Wordless Wednesday

Happy 100th Day of School

I’m having a little bit of trouble believing that the 100th day of school is here already!  Before you know it, I’ll be writing about the last day…

Wildman’s homework for this special day was to place 100 edible things into a bag for snack or “brain break” as his teacher calls it.  He chose Froot Loops.  I poured him a big bowl and asked him to count out 100 before eating the rest for snack.  He quickly made two piles of fifty and scooped them into the bag to take into school.  He was quite eager to down the rest with a little milk as his afternoon snack yesterday 🙂

His second homework task involved cutting out a large number “100” (not forgetting the middle of the zeros) and gluing 100 things to it.  After brainstorming several options, Wildman finally settled on beads for his 100 things.  He also insisted that I fire up the hot glue gun while he counted out 10 piles of 10 beads to glue on his number.  So, that’s what we did.  Even though there are hot glue strings all over the place, I’m happy he chose that adhesive.  It dried super quick and it holds the beads firmly on the cardstock.

Happy 100th Day from our neck of the woods!

The Birthday Recap

Last Wednesday, I turned 36 and Cutie Pie turned 5.  We celebrated with a little party of close friends and family that night.  J put together an awesome get-together for us complete with our favorite pizza, the amazing Angry Birds cake for Cutie Pie and my personal weakness- a cookie cake!  Yum!

Earlier that day, my dad’s mom (my Nana), stopped by to wish us a happy birthday.  I love this photo of Cutie Pie with her 🙂

Cutie Pie was thrilled to finally have a kayak of his very own!  Now we’ll be a kayaking family!  J and I have a double adult one and both of the boys have their own now.  Since the weather has been so nice, we need to take advantage of it by taking the kayaks out.  Somehow we managed to skip right over winter and landed right in the middle of spring here.  Crazy!

Both of us got ridiculously spoiled this year.  It was so nice sharing our special day with everyone!

I got some serious gifts like this gorgeous original painting by our friend, Terri McCutchan.  My mom totally surprised me with that one!  I absolutely love it and have it hung in a place of honor on a wall that you see when you enter through our front door.  It fits perfectly with our style.

And I got some not so serious gifts like this one lb. Snickers bar.  A slice ‘n’ share!  Just what I need while trying to get in shape for our April trip to Puerto Rico!

It was a wonderful birthday and I’m so lucky to be able to share it with my baby boy!  I really don’t feel any older, thank goodness.  Age is a frame of mind, yes?  If that’s true then I’m holding at 25-ish 🙂

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