Advent Calendar Activities

This is the first year that I’ve put together a list of advent activities to help the kids count down to Christmas.  We’re about halfway in and I’m loving how this list has helped us slow down to truly enjoy this magical season.

So, here’s my list.  I left the numbers jumbled up so the kids can make a game of finding our next activity.  I had grand plans of placing the activities into some kind of advent calendar but I simply ran out of time.  Maybe next year I’ll make something like this.  Until then, a plain printed list will have to do.

13- Watch a Christmas movie as a family

22- Drive around to look at lights

5- Make hot chocolate

25- Light a fire in the firepit

4- Listen to Christmas music during dinner

9- Make our own ornaments

6- Wildman’s School Program!

8- Christmas paint by number kit

22- Have Christmas dinner party with friends

1- Put Christmas Lego set together

21- Decorate cookies

19- Take treats to neighbors

23-Walk Verbenia Ct.

16- Cutie Pie’s School Program!

7- Write a letter to Santa

15- Watch Santa come by on fire truck!

24- Have Yaya, Nana, Papa and Uncle Chris over, sprinkle Reindeer food on lawn

18- Make fudge with mom

11- Family game night

17-Participate in the holiday boat parade

10- Buy a gift for someone in need

20- Read a Christmas book

2- Go in the hot tub

3- Plant Poinsettas in front flower bed

12- Make candy cane reindeer

I snapped a few photos of the boys (and J) working on their Christmas paint-by-numbers: