Fun With Ice

The boys were bored last Sunday as I knew they would be.  You see, we’ve (meaning J has) been doing a bunch of home improvement projects in association with the pool.  The kids have been stuck at home most Saturdays and Sundays “helping Dad”.  Dad was getting frustrated with his tools mysteriously walking off, kids getting into trouble, etc.

Earlier last week I’d been checking out different blogs for fun activities to do with the boys to help fight the boredom and save J’s sanity.  Melissa from Chasing Cheerios had one especially fun idea that I thought my boys would love.  So, earlier in the week I’d gone around the house collecting a bunch of little treasures to freeze.  I collected things like snowflake erasers, rubber bands, pennies, toy cars, zipper pulls, etc.  I filled up the compartments of our silicone muffin pan with the treasures, topped them off with water and stuck the pan in the freezer for emergency fun.

Last Sunday required emergency fun.  I was busy tackling a mountain of laundry and J was busy with jacketing and burying a phone line in the backyard.  The boys were driving us both nuts with the whining and complaining and fighting that comes from sheer boredom.

I collected a bunch of “tools” to help in the search and recovery of the tiny treasures that I’d captured in six small icebergs.  Tool like two kid-safe knives, a couple of spray bottles of water, a wooden mallet and a plastic play dough saw thingy.  The boys were so excited to experiment with the different tools to try to free the items in the icebergs.  It was a great way to keep them occupied for at least half an hour.

As you would expect with two boys, some of the ice was eaten and the spray bottles soon became water guns 🙂  It was a hot day that required some nice, cool fun and this activity fit the bill.  We’ll be doing this again very soon.

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