This ‘N’ That

I’m sitting here at my computer sipping my coffee and eating my Publix Easter bread.  It’s Monday but not just any Monday.  It’s the first Monday of Spring Break which means that if we go anywhere even remotely kid-friendly we’re going to be overrun by miniature Spring Breakers…  No thank you.  My solution is to have one of Wildman’s friends come over for a play date this morning.   I think I’ll set up a couple of Hot Wheels sets, let the boys play on the swing set in the backyard, maybe bust out some play dough or dress up clothes, then make pizza for lunch.  Cutie Pie will even have a pal to hang around with as Wildman’s friend has a little brother too.  Excellent!


Ok, so, I totally baled on 7 Days…  I managed to take and post only three self-portraits.  I’m such a slacker, I know.  I could give you a laundry list of reasons why such as “had to work on choreography”, “took Cutie Pie to the doctor”, “volunteered at the preschool during a squall”, “had a date night”, etc.  But really I just found myself exhausted and uninspired.  Heck, I don’t even have a photo to put in this post.   Oh, well.  Enough was enough last week.  I had to draw the line somewhere and 7 Days got cut from my to-do list.


You know in my last post?  About the Peep jars?  Well, I made a Peep jar for Wildman’s teacher and the director of the preschool.  Friday was the Spring Fling (in a squall) and the last school day before Spring Break.  It was my last chance to hand out the Easter projects that I’d been working on.  Wildman and I didn’t manage to get the foam eggs decorated for his classmates so I just slipped each child copies of the photos I’d taken from Bike Day.

Anyway, I brought in the Peep jar to Wildman’s teacher and she loved it.  She thanked me and let the kids check it out.  I gave the preschool director hers and she said, “Oh, great.  Just what I need.”  I was a little taken aback by her callous response.  I wasn’t looking for her to gush over the project or anything.  A simple thank you would have sufficed.  Anyone not raised in a barn knows that you should thank someone for doing/making something for you, right?  Even if you don’t like whatever it is.  Even if you plan to throw it away.  I mean, it’s common courtesy.  Needless to say, she’s off my list.  No more thoughtful gestures will be coming her way from me.  I don’t have time for that.  I was so tempted to drop the Peep jar right into her trashcan.

Later that morning, the director must have been feeling guilty for being such an ingrate because she came up to me gushing about how great I looked, blah, blah, blah.  Ugh.  I felt a little nauseous.


We watched Slumdog Millionaire on Friday.  It was a really great movie.  The main character was the ultimate under dog.  It’s nice to know that good people can triumph every once in a while.  Now I want to choreograph “Jai Ho”, the song at the end of the movie, for my class.  🙂


We were invited to our friends’ church for an Easter celebration on Saturday night.  It was really nice.  They had a pot luck dinner (I brought green bean casserole) and plenty of fun games and crafts for the children.  They don’t have a permanent building for their church yet so they’re meeting in a Middle School.  It didn’t matter though.  I like it better that way.

After church, my mother-in-law came over to sit with the boys while J and I escaped for a few hours.  We got some Starbucks and took it to the beach.  It was such a gorgeous evening.  We walked for a long way just talking like we used to do before we had kids.  It was so nice recapture a moment that we used to share before our lives became consumed with children.  After the beach we roamed around Barnes and Noble for awhile then went to see “Knowing” at the theater.   I had no idea what “Knowing” was about, it just fit with our time schedule.  It turned out to be a pretty decent movie that left us questioning the purpose of our existence.  We left the theater asking ourselves questions that we’ll never know the answer to which was kind of frustrating.


I’m off to take care of a few things before Wildman’s friend gets here.  Have a great day!